  • June
20 April / Sun 15:00–16:40
The Twelve Months
S. Banevich
Age category: 6+
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes
Number of intermissions: 1

Opera for children in two parts

Libretto by R. Sats, V. Ryabovoi as edited by O. Enns after the fairy tale of the same name by S. Marshak

The opera was written in 2006, this current stage version was first performed in Perm in 2008 and has been resumed in 2013. Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes including 1 interval

This is a fairy tale that never fades. Like snowdrops magically appearing in a snowdrift on New Year’s Eve. The mischievous queen promises a basket of gold to the person who can bring her April flowers in the middle of winter. Greedy for money, a Stepmother (Machekha) together with her Daughter send Stepdaughter (Padcheritsa) into the forest in search of the flowers. After nearly freezing to death, she meets the brothers who make up the twelve months in a meadow. Having listened to her tale, the young April persuades his brother January to allow him to swap places for one hour. In the blink of an eye winter retreats and the meadow is filled with snowdrops.  And this is just the first gift given to Padcheritsa from the magical brothers, who enable fairness to triumph over malice, envy and tyranny.

It’s impossible to imagine a Russian New Year’s celebration without Marshak’s festive fairy tales. For over half a century children of all ages have been welcoming in the New Year in the company of the Twelve Months. Now thanks to the St. Petersburg composer Sergei Banevich (who is also the composer of the festive children’s musical The Story of Kay and Gerda (after The Snow Queen by H.C. Anderson)) the words of the jolly song “Gori gori yasno, shtoby ne pogaslo” (burn, burn brightly, so the light doesn’t go out), remind us that the fire of love, kindness and friendship will help us to overcome any obstacles.

Suitable for all ages

Musical Director — Evgenii Kirilov
Original stage direction — Georgii Isaakyan and Olga Enns
Current stage direction — Tatyana Stepanova
Set designer — Elena Solovyova
Chorus master — Tatyana Stepanova
Choreographer — Tatyana Shilkova
Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre